Follow the flow of music in Beat Roller. Revolving around the action of driving the ball forward. Dodge the obstacles to get to the end of the path. That will help you enjoy exciting music. Enjoy leisure time with popular songs. This game is a music game. Combined with the rolling ball and off-road elements. Simulate the environment in a space of neon lights. Along with the light effect of the ball during the rolling process. Besides, there are outstanding features when participating in the game. Will learn about a variety of songs. Along with an intuitively designed control mechanism. The navigation action of the ball can be performed very easily.
Control Ball Rolling In Neon Light Space in Beat Roller 1.39
The gameplay of Beat Roller is in the style of music. Choose a song to start the journey. The background unfolds on an arc path. Takes place in space reflected by neon lights. Your task is to control the ball rolling on the road, avoiding traps. At the same time keep moving forward. By moving through rings of light. Aim towards the goal towards the finish line at the end of the road to complete the mission. Then you can continue the journey in a new challenge. Through the system unlock the next song to join.
Achievements are expressed through the number of stars in Beat Roller 1.39
Each track in Beat Roller is rated by the number of stars, up to 3 stars. To be able to unlock a new song will have to reach the maximum number of stars. Accordingly, you may have to play many times before you can complete a piece of music. Because each star will correspond to a certain number of points. Corresponds to the distance to be traveled during the rolling ball control. Achieve each star in turn with the corresponding number of points. By controlling the ball to roll forward to a certain stage on the arc line. When 3 stars are enough, the task is completed. Will unlock more lively music. The condition to be completed will change with a different number of points.
Overcoming dangerous traps in Beat Roller 1.39
The process of controlling the ball rolling in each track at Beat Roller. It is necessary to overcome dangerous traps. It was a trap of spikes blocking the arc. Each trap type will have a space to move through. They are like a mirror display in the form of a dome. As soon as it passes, it will crumble into small pieces. The gaps will be changed to many different locations on the road. If you collide with an obstacle, the journey will end. Not stopping there, the tempo of each track will increase with the time the ball rolls. Faster speed than before will make you have to control the ball flexibly. Try to overcome all the pitfalls to successfully reach the finish line. Complete missions with excellent achievements.
Reward received in Beat Roller 1.39
After finishing a musical journey at Beat Roller. Based on the distance the ball rolls to prove the score. Then you will receive valuable rewards. Includes the number of diamonds corresponding to the achievement. Accordingly, a track will give you a chance to earn a lot of diamonds. But it takes excellent performance to get the maximum number of diamonds for a song. On the contrary, if that cannot be achieved, the ball can only be controlled for a short distance. You will only get a few diamonds to accumulate. Keep discovering new music. From there will receive a larger number of diamonds after completing the task.Lots of upbeat music in Beat Roller 1.39
Beat Roller is a music game. Therefore, the system provides a huge song store. Includes lots of different tracks to explore. They are all composed of famous singers from around the world. Along with that are the songs that many people love. Each track has its own content, with lively melodies. Allows you to control the ball rolling to enjoy the rhythm of each song. For example Unity and Nonono of The Rat Rat. No Games and Your Gain by Swift 7 or Let Work It Ours by the Texas singer. More will be unlocked one after another after completion. However, there will be some songs that require using diamonds to buy.
To participate in each ball control journey on the arc at Beat Roller. Enjoy the lively music of the singers in the neon light space. It will take hearts, they represent your turn. After each participation will consume one heart. Overtime will be added. Or when used up but still want to continue playing. Can use accumulated diamonds to buy. From there continue the journey to enjoy real music.