Get ready for an adventure in Evertale. Open up a large fantasy world with many exciting things. Along with that is the appearance of monsters, as well as different villains. Perform quests according to the game's plot. You will accompany heroes and recruit monsters. From there gather to create an alliance group. Then engage in turn-based combat. The goal is to defeat the enemy for a chance to uncover the mystery. As well as collect new monster species to strengthen the alliance team's abilities. This game belongs to the action role-playing genre. Graphically designed in Japanese cartoon style with many unique features waiting to be discovered.
Adventure to Explore Fantasy World Erden in Evertale 2.0.97
The setting unfolds in a vast Erden fantasy world. Since ancient times, this place has been affected by a curse created by Pandemonium. Accordingly, every 100 years, a dark force will appear and attack. Bringing death threats to destroy everything. To be able to prevent the world of Erden from being destroyed, leaving everything in the past. Only the appearance of mythical heroes can protect the world. But they can only prevent the dark forces from attacking and destroying. However, it will not be possible to cause the original to be broken, which means that it will not be possible to prevent the enemy from appearing again after 100 years.
Do story quests in Evertale 2.0.97
Follow the game's plot to complete the mission. You will accompany two heroes on an adventure to uncover ancient mysteries. At the same time, find a way to break the Pandemonium curse to save the world of Erden. That process will face many difficult challenges. Face countless dangerous enemies with no choice but to fight. Only by destroying all enemies and defeating them in turn matches can survive. From there continue the journey to find clues to break the curse. Accordingly, it is necessary to increase the fighting power of the heroes. As well as creating an alliance group to fight off increasingly fearsome enemies.
There are 180 species of monsters in Evertale 2.0.97
Join the two heroes in the adventures of Evertale. Monsters can be captured and trained to create a party of up to 4 units. Then lead to engaging in battles with different enemies. Here, according to the information provided, there are 180 species of monsters. They are ancient, mythical, and other special species. Each species is shaped in its own unique style. Expressed through shape, size, color, and fighting ability. Accordingly, the strength of each monster will not be the same. For example, monsters with the fire attribute attack with burning flames. Or monsters that create ice, thunder, and more powers will be discovered when participating.
Explore 6 areas in Evertale 2.0.97
Adventure in the fantasy world of Erden with countless mysteries waiting to be discovered. Accordingly, there will be the opportunity to go through 6 different areas. For example in the bustling town, legendary dungeon and mysterious green forest. There are some other areas that will be discovered by you after going further. Each location is reproduced in different environmental and landscape conditions. In particular, each place will have the appearance of different monsters. From there you can capture them after defeating them in battles.Turn-based gameplay in the match in Evertale 2.0.97
Based on the gameplay that takes place in the matches. Opens up on an arena divided into two factions. Each time it is the turn of the alliance faction led by you, each hero and monster will use their skills to attack in turn. During that process, you have the right to choose one of the different skills to fight. Accordingly, when the enemy's monsters turn to attack, the same will happen. The battle will last until the forces of either faction are completely defeated. The side that can keep fighting will win. Besides, after winning against the enemy in the match. The participating heroes and monsters will receive experience points.
Evertale game also opens online mode. Here, real-time PvP matches between players take place. Based on the 4vs4 action mechanism that takes place in the arena. You can assemble an alliance group to compete with the opposing faction. Besides, this mode also allows one to form a guild or cooperate with other players. From there, fight with them in turn-based skirmishes to find the winning team.